Immigration Law


Department exclusively devoted to Private International Law.

Within the globalized society in which we live, legal relationships between individuals subject to different legal systems are more and more frequent. For this reason, our firm adds a department exclusively devoted to legal relationships with at least one foreign element to its broad offer of professional services.

As a legal discipline, Private International Law emanates from two objective premises. On the one hand, the world´s division into different states results in the existence of various jurisdictions, leading to reflect diverse legal realities at a supranational level. On the other hand, this fact fosters legal transboundary actions and businesses by the simple activity of natural and legal persons at that level.

Consult without obligation

Previous budget of the cost of the legal process. Credit terms.

Are you coming from another country? Do you need help to regularize your situation?

We guide you and help you with your legal condition in our country.
Call us!

Are you coming from another country? Do you need help to regularize your situation?

We guide you and help you with your legal condition in our country.
Call us!
The broad disciplines within Private International Law:

International divorce

International jurisdiction in divorce matters. Conflict of marriage laws. Prenuptial agreements. Conflict of divorce laws. Acknowledgment in Spain of divorces pronounced abroad.

Family Law

International governing law in parental responsibility. Custody. Visitation rights. Acknowledgment of legal decisions as regards family matters. Registry recognition. Enforcement of visitation rights.

De facto relationships

Everything that is related to international governing law in de facto relationships.


Marriages entered into abroad. Acknowledgment in Spain of marriages entered into abroad.

Foreign judicial decisions

Acknowledgment and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions.


International child abduction. International child protection.

Islamic marriages


EU citizens

Non-EU citizens

Spanish nationality


Sanction procedures

Other proceedings

International divorce

International jurisdiction in divorce matters. Conflict of marriage laws. Prenuptial agreements. Conflict of divorce laws. Acknowledgment in Spain of divorces pronounced abroad.

Foreign judicial decisions

Acknowledgment and enforcement of foreign judicial decisions.

EU citizens

Family Law

International governing law in parental responsibility. Custody. Visitation rights. Acknowledgment of legal decisions as regards family matters. Registry recognition. Enforcement of visitation rights.


International child abduction. International child protection.

Non-EU citizens

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.

Sanction procedures

De facto relationships

Everything that is related to international governing law in de facto relationships.

Islamic marriages

Spanish nationality

Other proceedings


Marriages entered into abroad. Acknowledgment in Spain of marriages entered into abroad.



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